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For New Arrivals: Exploring Work Culture in Taiwan

Updated: Aug 4

Taiwan, a vibrant island nation nestled in the heart of East Asia, offers a wealth of business opportunities for those willing to embrace its unique cultural differences. However, understanding and adapting to Taiwan's work culture can be a crucial step in unlocking these opportunities.

Strong Work Ethic

Taiwanese are renowned for their strong work ethic, often putting in working long hours. The standard workweek in Taiwan runs from Monday to Friday, with an average of 40 to 48 hours of work per week. This dedication to hard work is deeply ingrained in Taiwanese culture, reflecting a deep-seated belief in the importance of personal responsibility, professionalism, and achieving excellence.

Respecting Authority and Clear Hierarchy

Taiwan's management style is characterized by a clear hierarchy and a strong emphasis on authority. Executives are respected and their decisions are rarely questioned.

Indirect Communication

Direct confrontation is avoided in Taiwanese business culture. Instead, Taiwanese prefer indirect and polite communication to maintain harmony and prevent offense. While it may take some time to adjust to this style of communication, it is essential to remember that it is rooted in respect and politeness.


In Taiwan, punctuality is not just a courtesy; it is a sign of respect and professionalism. Being late for meetings or appointments can damage your reputation and jeopardize business opportunities. Plan ahead, arrive on time, and demonstrate your dedication to your commitments.

Del Sol CPA: Your Trusted Guide to Navigating Taiwan's Business Culture

With our extensive experience working with both local and international clients, we provide tailored guidance to help you thrive in this dynamic market. Our team of experts specializes in tax planning, accounting, and financial consulting, ensuring you have the necessary support to make informed decisions and achieve your business goals.

Embrace the unique work culture of Taiwan and unlock the opportunities that await you. Contact Del Sol CPA today to embark on your journey toward success in Taiwan.

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